(This is the second post ever, it has generated hundreds of pieces of junk email since then, at present I have to try changing the title and adding this in the hopes that it will soon stop.)
I stumbled into an experament the other day, I went downtown in my street clothes to play some banjo music and hopefully help dig us out of the displacement mess we are in. I did really fun songs and gathered crowds of people who soon were dancing and clapping like seals, my hat was out the whole time.
When I stopped after about an hour or so I counted up the money...$3.97 (mostly change, way more than two pennies) and my fingers were wrecked.
My friend was bussing back to the clown house so I let him take the banjo with him.
I had a book with me (not porn!) and I decided to take a rare break from all the resposibilitys I have to read a little, I was depressed about not earning any cash so I sat there reading and sulking.
It came as a shock to me that sombody walked by and dropped me a buck, I hadn't thought to pick up my hat off the ground and people were thinking I was a beggar, I can't stand beggars well Young Able Bodied Beggars anyway, and thats what they think I am.
So I decided to ignore my hat and just read, the talley after an hour of nothing....$24.45, some meal tickets and a pair of socks (really, bible thumpers give out socks Goddes bless em.)
So howzabout that? Portlanders pay very well for streets full of Young Able Bodied Beggars and people who have spent years perfecting the craft they have chosen get to be considered I guess Public art and not worthy of tips.
I noticed "the human statue Aquqrock" doing real good and maybe a few others but for the most part I tell traveling shows that land at the Clown House not to bother sharing, Portland is not as "with it" as they think they are.
I still have an undieing work ethic and I wish that I didn't really need the 24 bucks. I feel that I kind of ripped the downtown lunch crowd off by representing myself as a YABB. I wonder if thats fraud?
YABB is not a word - Stupid.
Young Able Bodied Beggar
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