Sunday, May 13, 2018

back in the day, I pitched in a lot to the country without an identity.

In the 90's (outside of Texas) I had no name or backstory a lot of the time.
I wasn't even deliberately trying to hide my identity, I just couldn't hang on to an ID card with my rough and tumble road-punk lifestyle.
I was a good enough con-man to be whomever the person talking to me wanted me to be. I was good at "cold reading" and could assume many identities based on who I was around.
Fo Sho I was honest enough not to use those skills for ill.
I did get jobs I wasn't qualified for though (like driving a gas truck).
I drifted all over the country having adventures and pretending.
I would get jobs but I never had an ID.
So when I got paychecks It was really difficult to cash them.
Eventually it became a fun challenge.
I wanted to know how long I could maintain being a non person. Lots of times I worked for companies that took out taxes on payday but couldn't have been credited to me because the employer didn't even know my real name.
Sometimes my deceptions were discovered by law enforcement/military police. Luckily I didn't and still don't have a record or warrants so it was never a problem outside of cashing paychecks.
Not voting was the only part that really sucked.
It was worth it to be able to move around the country in invisible mode.
I developed a strong respect for the illegal workers who did great work but couldn't be credited with contributing to the country for technical reasons.
They had no choice.
I was just pretending. :)

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.