Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I just had the coolest day yesterday, the fun of exploring new terrortory, meeting people, setting up more meetings and hopefully selling a lot of chicken paintings.
The Grope and I found some really creepy hills to bomb on tall bikes and everyone was really happy to see us.
The Grope is about to go to Texas today, three months ago he washed up on the Clown House shore from Beeville Texas and now he is leaving a fledgling circus boss, he has a car piled high with freak bikes, I lot of practice, knowledge and expierience that he picked up from all of us, and we shoud see him do great things to the state of Texas.
Here are some shots I found on the web of Oods Christ walk with our last remaining set piece, a high wire pole.
I hear Bizzy may have some shots of him getting busted and maybe Jon from bikeportland.org has some, I saw him as I was doing the Judas thing denying I knew Ood to the cops.
Last night we went out on the streets 5 bikes strong, lost Ood right away, went into the Goodfoot tavern and I got carded, I had to slam my rootbeer and get out, it was fun.

1 comment:

Laura Laurent said...

aww the grope is my sweetheart. :) he's awesome.

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.