Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I'm on the brink of finishing two paintings from my Rubber Chicken Set of Paintings, Had a Meeting with a traveling carnival promotor called Harold Von Killian and made a deal to play a big show in January with March Fourth, Trash can Joe, Heros and Villans as well as a Punch and Judy show put on by Rail.
By the way, I'm bartending at the Ale House tonight if you wanna come get a two buck beer and tell me how cool I am.
The little girl is having a school choir "Thing" today and the little boy...well he just ate a handful of his own excrement.
Don't worry, Caffeine has the situation well in hand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stumbled across your way cool BLOG, Dingo. Bookmarked it.

Matt (Erika @ works hubby aka IRON MAIDEN t-shirt!)

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.