Monday, December 19, 2005

Bloody oil

We got to the end of the heating oil today. It was carma from me laughing at the mess this cold snap was to Portland car culture. If driving a car is not in your life and you have good reflexes then an icey road is all comedy.
I laughed my head off yesterday and even sat at the window with binoculars waching the intersection.
I was walking into the house freezing my but off last night when I remembered how I treated the car people and went "..karma....whatabitch".
So the oil is gone and I just cant bring myself to buy any more. No matter where it comes from it will have blood on it as well as poison for the planet as we lite it on fire.
I guess I can always fall back on the fact that I can't afford it in the first place (hahahaha). We have just enough to keep the joint afloat, we can't participate in those seasonal bills.
O yeah I should let you in on a secret...Your sewer bill for the year is determined by how much water you use in December so save water now and set the bar low for the rest of the year.
The kid is fine, a little stir crazy but in good spirit. I made a hopscotch on all the couches but the kid won't buy it.
I found a neat way to stay warm, I just shoved the contents of my bedroom against the wall that has windows, I throw on all the clothing that I own and stuff my rat in my pocket for good measure. Then I stand in the center of the room and scream.
I have seen four giant circus coaches turned into bio diesel here at the C.H. and yet we never fixed the house up, I was a big drinker then and never got too much done.
Someday when we own a clown house you better believe it's gonna be heated with bio and all the other bells and whistles that low budget/enviro clowns would have.


Anonymous said...

It is almost impossible to rid yourself of oil dependence. Ever use a product called plastic?

Dingo Dizmal said...

Oh yeah, lt me tell ya, plastic is a pain of an oil product too. Last year I collected a bunch of milk jugs and tried to melt them down to pour into molds of our clown characters, kind of a reuse thing but I almost burned the house down.
Plastic would be better if it was easyer to break down and turn into other things.

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.