Friday, June 25, 2021

double d

 Dumpster diving is back on the menu finally. Lately we have been reverse dumpster diving by making bags of our old clown clothes and making them available to the divers out there. The only problem with that is sometimes divers find this stuff and go "You know who would like this?" and it all ends up back on our porch. Dumpster diving squads used to keep the Clown House afloat. It was funny to garage sale it off every weekend and have neighbors say "I liked that better when I threw it away." (Zing on the raccoon clowns)

Wednesday, June 02, 2021

One of my last times being punk and disorderly was around these bikes.

 I came out of a blackout drunk to notice one of my clown compatriots Hipster Rick also coming out of a blackout. I laughed at him. He was riding that bike on the left "Godzilla." He laughed at me too. I was riding the one on the right "The Tower." "AAAAAAH!" Our every day looks like some people's nightmares. We rode them a lot after that but it took a while to learn how since we didn't remember mounting them in the first place.

spotting a fire