Sunday, August 15, 2010

Thank you friends!

Lots of well wishes! Thank you so much!!!!I'm a long way from Corpus Christi Texas. My kids are being kept from me. If I didn't have the wonderful Olive Rootbeer on my side I could be at risk to fall off the wagon. Your love keeps me up! Blessings to you all. MWAH!!!!

.Olive Rootbeer I love you honey. YOu are the biggest brightest star in my life! Congradulations on being so rockin' at 41!!! Muah!

.Christian Jackson Happy Birthday DINGO!!!!!!!! Hope you have a great one, my friend. Did you know you're exactly 1 year and 1 month older than me? No wonder you're so SEXY!! PEACE!

.Julia Mahoney happy birthday. sending many happy vibes your way.

.Kadin Tyrone Happy birthdayy-Danger.

.Bernadette Carrillo Happy Birthday! The world would be nothin' but frowns without on.

.Tina Marchand Leikam Happy Birthday!!!
.Becca Johns It's your birthday? I would've said happy birthday when I saw you today!!!
Well here it is now: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DINGO!!!!!! :D

.Kerry Murphy Happy birthday, Dingo!

.Ca Hobson Happy happy birthday!!!!

.Ruby Campbell Happy Day and Daze to you my new loooooooooovly friend! ♥ Monkey Girl

.Diana Williams have an uber fantastic birthday!!!!

.Jake Alligatorman Happy Birthday!! hope it's FANTASTIC!!!!

.Steve Bell Happy birthday!!!!

.Missy Bageant A very Happy Day of yer Birth!!!! So glad our paths have crossed!!!! Hers's to having fun and enjoying life!!!! Have a great one!!!

.Tiffini Adamson Happy Birthday Clown! :) I hope you have a super-awesome fantabulous cakeified day! ROAR!

.Melanie Feinberg aw, happy birthday to you.

.Esmerelda Strange Happy birthday clown! Hope you get a nice big pie in the face and many more..

.David Matthew Daniels Happy Birthday!

.Jessica Dean Happy birthday you are super cool!

.Sandy Sealz ding man mad respectin on the bday situation get down yall doubletime and peace-sandy.

.Debra Samuel Forty one years ago an extraordinary being arrived on this glad to share this corner of the universe with 'ya Mistah Dizmal! I tip my clown hat to 'ya on yer day...

.Dez Valgreen Hippie Bathday Dingo!

.Jennifer Torres HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY CUZ!!!!!!... MUCH ♥

.Norma Jean Happy Birthday !!!

.Corie Natasha Tennison Happy Birthday!

.Kaitlyn Smith Happy Birthday, Dingo!

.Jacob Laney Aw, the birth of a clown .

good job not getting dead yet Dingo, see you at the street fair.

.Marian Music Happy Birthday dear Dingo, Happy Birthday to you!

.Neal Sand Happy Birthday!

.Mary Volm Happy Birthday Dingo!

.Gail Weiss Happy Happy Dingo Swave! Hope you have a great day!! Maybe we'll see you around with Sunday Parkways today and all....

.Curtis Carlyle There is no way you were born. Well if Facebook says so, I have to believe it. Happy Dingo Day i hope to see you at the Hawthorne street fair!

.Brandon Paulette Happy day of birthness!

.Eric Cash Happy barfday, Dingo!

.Molly Equality Dykeman Happy Dingo Dizmal Day!!!!!!!!!!!!

.Marisa Laurelle hope yer birthday is super sexy. :)

.Daniella Shaw Happy Happy Birfday Home Slice!!!!!!

.Steve Puvogel Happy Birthday Dingo!

.Tom Gedwillo Happy Birthday!!

.Som Maddox Happy Birthday!

.Matthew Zeltzer Happy Birthday Dingo! May your day be filled with rubber chickens.

.Pam McCullough Ratcliffe Happy Birthday Dingo!! Hope it is your best day ever!! :)

.Amy McIntyre Happy Birthday, Senor Clown!

.Cameo Massey Hey Dingo, heres hoping you have an incredible Birthday, and many more too come!!

.Lisa Eyefleye Lonstron Happy Birthday!!!

.Angela Baldwin Have a great day, Dingo!

.Mark Winnie Happy birthday mr. Cool ... A dingo ate my baby !!

.Samuel Lindley Colclough Happy Birthday you SUper Hero of Happiness!!!

.David Starseed Have a very jerry birthday captain KKkkkKkRUnCh~

.Roy Fernandez happy b-day bro :D

.Kelly Kustra happy birthday (i'm runnin' on east coast time)!!! woot

.Orgaven John Orgaven happy birthday buddy... hope you have a good one... from your freind in australia...

.Edward Bryanstein (big Brian from Texas) Many years ago (hahaha!) a powerful vaudevillian entity was created in a small south Texas city. This trans-dimensional performer has pulled laughs from "Klondaric Space Lizard Cyborgs" with sciatica. As he honed his skills he mentored, and inspired many other creative and misfit beings to the liberating virtue of com...edy. A clown, a man, and a friend. A creature of imagination dedicated to rebellion. My brother (carnale) Dingo.
Happy Birthday hell or high water!
Thanks so much yall, we all play a part in each other's fortune so we may as well help each other.
I spent my Berfff day doing what I love, entertaining hundreds of people and swimming in my Love affair with Rootbeer! I came home to 45 FB well wishes. I'm so touched!!!!

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.