Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm watching my son sleep.

Inside me I have a stoked furnace and blood red eyes that are ready to open and devour anything or anyone thretening my chidds.
I really wish I could dive into the future and find all the shadows that will keep him up at night.
When I was little I was perfectly haunted by the night world. Eventually I learned that the dark is a friend and much more safe. Not being a target is the clue I got from nature...I slept on the floor with a dummy Dingo under the bed covers.
I wish I could conquer his makes me so sad that I can't.
Learning how to slay dragons (and how not to slay them) could get him killed.
Not learning WILL get him killed.
While he is small I am Superman to him.I do fuck up all his demons when he is with me.I'm so proud of him.
When he is with his Mom I just have to trust her.
Lucky for all of us his Mom has a perfect track record.
His Mom rocks for him. As far as his babysitters and room mates (in a way)he is on his own. It's the mammal's birthright to have short stints alone or with others.
We all were on our own when parents left it's the price we pay to be children.
For better or worse there are many wolves in sheeps clothing, many diamonds in the rough, many personality changes as soon as parent leaves.
I just wish I could rock for him more.
He isn't fragile by any soon as he could walk, he walked into a nest where a dog had just had puppies oooh he got bit.

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.