Wednesday, March 18, 2009

second hand store

Boy was the weather right for second hand smoke yesterday...I thought I was gonna get into a fight.

I took my kids out to get them some things they needed and all day it seems was assaulted by tobacco.
I always hate the smell and I can feel it from far away and from down or upwind.
Walking behind two people who are smoking sucks  if you are walking in the same direction for a long time , I would rather be late than live like that.
When it's raining and some one is in the bus stop smoking...I freak out.
At one bus stop we got stuck standing in the rain rather than breathe the toxic fumes in the bus shelter.
The "Mouth breather" with the butt didn't realize how bad she stunk. She looked at me like I was stupid subjecting my kids to the pouring rain when there was so much room in the bus shelter hahaha.
Some folks think that smoking outside the bus stop is better, it's not, you still stink up the joint.
Walking through an underground parking lot where employees and home bums take smoke breaks was air for over 100 yards to the door.
It seemed that everywhere we went that it wasn't raining was full of tobacco smoke YUK!
I hated the smell of second hand smoke during the 21 years I smoked ciggs. I always hated me cigarettes and only started smoking so I had an excuse for the cops about why I had a lighter.
This one lady was REALLY classy, she saw us coming to the bus stop so she threw her cigg out onto the side walk like a feeble minded litterbug...the butt just lay on the ground pumping smoke into the air like it was signaling a helicopter where to land, I had to grab my kids and run away!
The sun is out more today...I think second hand smoke weather is drawing to a close, still...if you read in the paper that some one was bludgeoned to death by a clown...the person having died by a silver cigarette case (with turquoise turtle-shaped inlay)crammed in the will know it was raining during a kid week.Just kidding, we all are getting gas masks. :)

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.