Friday, March 30, 2007

The First,last Last Thursday.

That is, the First Last Thursday of the last year we live here.

Now it's quiet, the last of the clowns have gone to bed and it's just me up late counting things.

We talked well into the night about how the show went, what worked and what didn't, it was fun.

We also went over Pinga's video stuff, it was a blast, in the footage, he is on the roof taping downward onto the porch.

Our doggie Banjo was sitting on the top step watching everything, she didn't know about Pinga and his eye in the sky.

Any other dog would surlly run around if her house became swelled with food, people and other dogs, she just satthere, knowing that she was told (by me) to stay.

There she sat, even being stumbled over by wayward cirkus teen Zeela and never moved until I came on the scene and told her she could go out and into the yard proper.

Bizzy Bawdy , Clorine and Will looked great and Sprout was...interesting, they did a wonderful job hosting Shmanarchist Idol out talent show. Leapin Louie Lichtenstein was there doing rodeo cowboy tricks and all ages of armature stars did acts for thecrowd.

I just watched everything and moved around from parts of the yard to the street and beyond.

Rabbit and I made some runs down Alberta doing tricks on tall bikes, I did a trick where I aim at a crowd yelling NO BRAKES! when I get close enough for them to hear me talk, I say “Just kidding I have brakes and steer off.

The word of the day was coined by Mr. Will Workforf Ood, it's “Thai- a ria,”, Thats what you get when you sample the food from the streets 4 Thai places and Alberta street's many Taquarias.

I didn't make much dough selling hot dogs but I plan to be out there selling for a few days so come see me in front of the house.

I'll be selling dogs, playing guitar and maybe even playing a few games of D&D.

The two Russian fools we are doing a show with this Sat, showed up and played some super cool tunes, we stuck one of them on the shoe bike and he rode up and down the street with a bull horn and some fliers promoting the show, very funny.

The only downer came from the new condo across the street, Now get this,

Those people loaded a giant band, sound system onto one of the condos, creating a shotgun speaker right into our yard.

To make matters worse they played covers of 80s soft rock, they filled our yard with music that sucked when the original people wrote it.

It was so insulting and embarrassing for me and the people performing on our stage, why? because here we are, a community gathered on a stage playing our music and telling stories, it's a real organic's alive.

then across the street we have this forced, group of bullies high up on a terrace away from the community basically saying” F you all we got lots of watts and no interest in your grimey community”

Soon they will get the community they want because we are all leaving soon.

There was a pretty cool burger joint across from my place but I hear the coked up owner of a local restraunt decided to have the city code inspectors on speed dial and kept the heat on until the guy took fish off his menu and then eventually he had to tear down and move on.

Iv'e come to dislike moving around on my street, I can't afford anything anymore, the rent is high and everyone looks alike now.

I'm not worried about it, I have no problem leaving a community thats homogenizing, I'm gonna take the tribe to a new community and be part of the next wave of fun.


timothy hanson said...

well, it was still pretty fun for a last thursday.. note that many more bmw's are parking on my street during last thursday. we're moving on up!

timothy hanson said...

it was still pretty good for a last thursday. tho note that many more bmw's are parking on my street for last thursdays. we're moving on up!

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.