Sunday, January 15, 2006

The clown house

Funny dynamic going on here at the Clown House.
In the basement live Thomas and Morgan, I call it the zoo bomb floor, it smells of beer and substances, theres punk music playing and it looks like two dudes live there.
Ground floor is where Ashley lives with her kids, it's also where most of the common rooms are.People are a bit more respectful and it's clean.
The top floor is where My kid lives, she demands everyone be super respectful and nice.My room is across the hall and I demand no such thing.
The stairs and ves·ti·bule are no mans land...they are the domain of the dog.
Tiago lives on the ground floor too but it's away from any of the other rooms of the house, as long as he dont play with fire, nobody would notice that his room is even there.
It's very special to me to have Tiago, Morgan and Thomas living here, it's like I can take a break from the stress and relax a little, it's still a lot of work but its fun work with a big pay off.
Chlorine, Thomas and I did the kid party tonight, the folks were from India and the birthday boy was 1 year old, the people were dressed VERY formal like. I bet you can imagin how well we went over looking like we just got off the Max train from Pioneer square (wich we did).
The kids liked us and we got tipped an extra $10er, maybe to get us out sooner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a place, lots of cool stuff going on.

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.