Tuesday, September 09, 2008

puzzle pieces

Thats a miracle, people in Portland are too cool!
I was at the Bellmont street fair busking, made a good amount of cash, that was good.
I opened my house bike for people to see and charged them for it.
I talked to the local Land Use Commissioner, he had NO problem with me living in my house bike.
Thats the cool thing about Portland, I was at a street party talking to two local commissioners, one was on a bike
and the other fella was removing Street Closed Signs.
hey want to call me soon to help them educate the people about the Electrical Sub Station thats on Belmont.
The power company plans to buy the three houses by the station and make it much bigger.
Theres nothing anyone can do about it, I wonder what they want me to do for them.

I have been hanging out with Olive a lot, last night we had the conversation about "Is there an us?
We have a lot of correct answers for each other, for me, long awaited correct answers.
We rode all the way up Hawthorne to the top and sat eating grapes, drinking water and smelling flowers.
We would get into deep conversations talking about our wants and desires and then have to get up when
cars drove up, we were sitting in the road like idiots.
So we decided that if there is an "US" then we will need to find out how it will work.
She fits into my life really well, it's amazing!
She has time for me, we can hang out without thinking that we need to talk to each other.
We fit together in most directions, it feels like puzzle pieces or leggos, a perfect fit.
She has no problem with the house bike and spends the night with me all the time.
She jumps my bones like a hungry python attacking prey, she grabs me and holds on tight.
She is good to my children and has space for them in her house and heart.
The other night I informed her that our hosts for the night were Queer Activists and that they tolerate
my heterosexuality.
"No problem" she said, we'll just get another girl in here with us..."
Thats a correct answer!

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Sorry I forgot your birthday song.