Thursday, May 10, 2007


OK friends, I just saw a scrap metal hauler drive by, by my calculations they shouldn't be back by for some time. The other scrap guys I know are not as ambitious as the main dude and some of them are very afraid of me.
I put out a bunch of bike parts behind the house PLEASE COME GET SOME!!!! before the scrap guy comes.
I'm not dissing the scrap guy, he just needs his beer and I don't fault anyone who has a shill that works for them. BUT,
When the scrap guy visits, you never know what your metal is going to.
What if I spend all this time saving and collecting scrap metal because I think it will save forrests and hill country from being dug up, just to have it shipped overseas to some factory that builds cars or missiles or other useless rubble..
I don't want to make it cheaper for my enemy to build things that poison us, or at least make us fat and lazy.
I'm burying my scrap metal if I cant find a use for it, thats where it came from in the first place.

Now there are a lot of bike parts that can make someone really happy if they are building a bike.
It's not great stuff, just stuff


gabrielamadeus said...

hawt-diggity-dawg! I'm there, or square, by 1800 hours, zing!

Dingo Dizmal said...

Wouldn't ya know it?
This big monster of a bucket of bolts crept up, the dude dropped out and sked if he could have the metal and I was stuck...
Do I deprive this fella his living for my political motives?
What if nobody comes by?
I reluctantly let him have the stuff for a lecture and a dirty look.
He said, "They won't be turned into cars or missiles... They get recycled."
He didn't see the hole in his logic, thats cool, I'm kind of a dumb ass too so I let him go.
#30 minuets later Gabriel Amadeus comes rolling up with an empty chariot, ready to pick up parts and turn them into smoke free transportation.
I live and learn, next time more warning to the bike people.

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.