Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Ruby Cube chimes in an ode

Ode To Right Foot

Rotten foot with sock fuzz caught

I know how to cure you not

Jungle rot on right foot toes

How you stay, god only knows

Will you turn green with envy of

The living skin on the leg above?

And will you one day change your ways?

Your cuts and cracks are like a maze

Please right foot, bleed no more

I cannot stand these painful sores

And if gang green should then develop

My entire foot you'd soon envelop

And pain me so until I beg,

"Oh, Jungle Rot, don't take my leg!!"

(thats Ruby in the green riding point ,)


Anonymous said...

hi dingo; this is jon, who is better known as the daddy of the cutest baby (in my eyes anyway). i think i met ruby on sunday, when she asked if solveig was the baby for the 'save the baby' .. only in the nicest, charmingest way... truly!

anyway, if it is really only cracks and bleeding, i sympathize and suffer too. my dearest taught me (on our first date) that it can be soothed with apricot kernel oil (or similar) and lots of massaging; bonus if you soak a bunch of lavender in there.

if it is really jungle rot go for the gum tree oils (tea tree, eucalypt) or buy that medicine stuff too. if its gangrene, well, get yourself some maggots!

anyway, thanks for clowning around, as always, on the stinkernet and otherwise. and give rubys foot a hug for me.

Dingo Dizmal said...

eww, I wouldn't hug trench rot with stolen arms.
She said the problem went away when she took off her boots for the first time in 5 years.
She really can do all six sides of the Rubics cube in under 3 minits,.
Ed the clown started telling the crowds that she can do it in 10 so they always give her a big hand when she pulls it together in 3.

Anonymous said...

i learnt the maggot thing from my sisters friend who somehow survived viet nam. he had to apply some of the little fellers to his own mangled arm in order to save it. he had already had one bad experience with the charlie doctors, so he knew better. all true/insane.

today i comptemplated the spectrum of existence between worrying as a parent when your kid falls and cries; and not knowing when your kid flies over the handlebars and fractures some ribs. that is quite an adventure, life.

ok, dont hug rubys foot for me. tell her i will hug her completed rubix cube. those things drove me nuts the first time they came around.

Dingo Dizmal said...

HAHA Jon, Her feet are fine now, she said she wrote her poem a long time ago.
I had some really bad trench rot at one point and Caffeine Jones just bounded off into the woods and when she came back she had a bucket of water mixed with some woodland goo.
She had me stick my feet in and soak them through the whole showing of a Star Trek Movie.
When it was over, the sole just peeled off of my feet and they were clear (very tender and pink)now I have trained the dog (BANJALANJADINGDONG DIZMAL) to lick my feet everytime I take my boots off and that keeps me from having gross "Circle K feet"

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.