Saturday, September 03, 2005

The angel of death

Death has come to the clown house.
Gastro the clown got drunk while playing around on the railroad tracks. He died of terminal "Train Cancer." That was three years ago.
Last night, one of the traveling show people (Chris) was telling the rest of his crew (including a baby) to get to the side walk, while riding bikes on MLK, when he himself was struck and killed by a hit and run jerk.
The day before that, Chris had come over with another feral traveler who had never bothered to teach his dog about city traffic. The dog saw another dog and ran into the street, and was brutally struck by another fast moving SUV (big truck, one occupant, nice paint, no cargo, he could have just rode a bike).
The dog bled all over the front porch of the Clown house and if 700 bucks isn't raised the dog will be put down. It needs its leg amputated, and is not likely to be adopted.
I can't bring myself to look at the dog's owner. I run a popular dog treat company, and so I tend to see people who really take good care of thier dogs. The sight of such a selfish crappy owner makes me sick. His dog was greased right in front of him, and all he did was shrug his shoulders as if to say "Sh*t Happens."
Also, around the same time our beloved pet rat (Ratty McRatterson) had come to the end of his term as a rat on planet earth, he lived a good long life and was suffering greatly of cancer.
Caffeine Jones (my partner), Ruby Cube, and I took Ratty, wrapped him in my daughter's shirt (the kid was his best friend. Caffeine thought it would be comforting.). Speaking to him in soothing tones, C.J. slowly submerged him into a pot of warm water. He didn't struggle at all, he just hung there underwater until finally taking a breath of water and dying. He was the one death that was on schedule: he was an old guy in a bad way, and now he is at peace.
My friend was crying on the porch a few hours ago about someone close to her who just killed himself.
Then there are all our friends in a circus house like ours, who live in New Orleans. Thankfully, most of them were here in Portland on tour (just last week), and couldn't have made it back in time to be obliterated along with the house.
Tommorow is the Chunkathalon (at Free Geek 1:oo pm).
Sure hope nobody else dies! That's an event full of danger. I think we will be ok, it's not an event that's friendly to cars.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear all this, Dingo. It is almost too much for one heart to take. I'm sure that it is just my imagination but it seems like there is a lot more killing and dying going on all over the world in the last few years. Maybe we are at the beginning of the extinction of the human race.

Be well, my friend.


Dingo Dizmal said...

Holy crap George, Death is natural, like dog poop and posies!
Don't kill yerself r nuthin.
I don't see things like , say, the huricane pounding Louseyanna as bad, it's the cosmic street sweeper bowling over the inevitabubble.
Plus it's a real boon for the gators who have been in an economic suppression ever since concrete swimming pools were invented.
George, I don't know you but still, I give you permission to stick a carrot between your knees and feel better in the morning.
Hang in there George, Halliburton is rebuilding New Orleans and we know how great a job they did in Iraq.

Sorry I forgot your birthday song.